
AI Machine Learning Notion Notes

What is underfitting?Basic Concepts
F1 scoreMetrics
Why is L1 regularization supposed to lead to sparsity than L2?Regularization
What is backpropagation?NN
Why MSE doesn’t work with logistic regression?Metrics
Why AUC is desirable?Metrics
How to avoid overfitting?Basic Concepts
L1 VS L2 regularizationRegularization
Generative vs DiscriminativeBasic Concepts
Lasso and RidgeRegularization
Hinge loss - SVMLoss
Why is bias used in NN?NN
Entropy / Cross-Entropy / Relative-entropy lossLoss
Cross Validation / Stratified cross-validationBasic Concepts
Confusion matrixMetrics
Why does regularization use L1, L2 not others?Regularization
Why can regularization reduce overfitting?Regularization
Compare two classifiersSystem design
What is overfitting?Basic Concepts
Precision and recallMetrics
Initializing weight with 0 for NN?NN
Sigmoid functionActivation Function
Adam optimizerTraining
Learning rateNN
tanhActivation Function
Grid search and random searchMetrics
Why is non linear activation function needed?Activation Function
Relation between logistic regression and neural network?NN
Exploding gradientNN
Does NN fit data better than logistic regression?System design
Vanishing gradientNN
ReLUActivation Function
linear regression vs logistic regression Basic Concepts
Fourier transformBasic Concepts
1x1 convolutional filterCNN
Bias metricBasic Concepts
Naive BayesBasic Concepts
supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, weakly-supervised, Self-supervised and unsupervised learning reinforcement learningBasic Concepts
CNNs in segmentation CNN
data visualization librariesCV
model accuracy or model performanceBasic Concepts
CV Framework description in ChineseCV
What is attention, why attentionNN
equivariant translation, invariant translationCNN
Bayes’ Theorem How to interpret Bayes ruleBasic Concepts
Residual Networks skip connectionsCNN
Parameter calculationCNN
Convolution / Kernel / Feature map dimension CNN
Small convolutional kernels such as 3x3 rather than a few large onesCNN
max-pooling CNNCNN
Gradient DescentBasic Concepts
Compare CNN and TransformerNN
Transformer NN
Data Drift Detection | Importance of Data Drift DetectionData prepare
one important feature missing from a trained model, what can we do?Data prepare
why convolution layer for images than FCCNN
calculate convolution layer output sizeCNN
Deep learningNN
Turing testData prepare
Why do we need a validation set and test setData prepare
data normalizationData prepare
How to deal with imbalanced datasetData prepare
data augmentationData prepare
PCA - Principal Components AnalysisBasic Concepts
DropoutsBasic Concepts
ReinforcementBasic Concepts
PartitionBasic Concepts
AccuracyBasic Concepts
Logistic RegressionBasic Concepts
Batch norm, mini-batch, layer normNN
Softmax Activation FunctionActivation Function
ROC AUCMetrics
word2vec vs. doc2vecBasic Concepts
covariance matrixMetrics
Type I error / Type II error lossLoss
What is cost function loss functionLoss
Receptive FieldCNN
confidence intervalBasic Concepts
Why do I have to convert "uint8" into "float32"Data prepare
Log lossLoss
Loss becomes Inf or NaN - reasonLoss
F-beta ScoreMetrics
EM algorithmBasic Concepts
how you would create a 3D model of an object from imagery and depth sensor measurements taken at all angles around the objectCV
How does CBIR workCV
Handling Outliers in dataData prepare
CNNs translation invariantCNN
How do you prepare a data?Data prepare
Bias-Variance TradeoffRegularization
Write Conv2D and Active function from scratchML Coding
Write Max Pooling from scratchML Coding
Ran‍‌‌‌‌‍‌‌‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‌dom Forest vs. Gradient Boosted Forest (Decision Tree)Basic Concepts
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) - when find the mean and standard diviation of a group of models Basic Concepts
K-meansBasic Concepts
Compare RNN,LSTM with transformerNN
L1 loss vs. L2 lossLoss
Ensemble boosting baggingBasic Concepts
difference between t-SNE and UMAP for dimensionality reductionBasic Concepts
non maximal suppressionCV
Label Encoding vs. One Hot EncodingBasic Concepts
Instance-Based vs Model-Based LearningBasic Concepts
t-SNE sklearnBasic Concepts
UMAPBasic Concepts
difference between LDA and PCA for dimensionality reductionBasic Concepts
PCA, t-SNE, and UMAPBasic Concepts
probability vs maximum likelihoodBasic Concepts
KNN different from k-means clusteringNN
Create a function to compute an integral image, and create another function to get area sums from the integral imageCV
Epoch vs. Batch vs. IterationTraining
Batch Gradient Descent and Stochastic Gradient DescentNN
Connected Component LabelingCV
Pytorch CNNML Coding
Write plot image using Matplotlib pyplot from scratchML Coding
Write K-means from scratchML Coding
Write Gradient Descent / Active Function from scratchML Coding
PyTorch CheatsheetML Coding
Write KNN from scratchML Coding
Python LibraryML Coding
Feature CrossesBasic Concepts
Feature HashingBasic Concepts
One-hot encodingBasic Concepts
EmbeddingBasic Concepts
Numeric FeaturesBasic Concepts
How do we measure similarity?Metrics
Mean encodingBasic Concepts
GELUActivation Function
Loss FunctionsLoss
Huber lossLoss
Data Generation StrategyTraining
Handle Imbalance Class DistributionTraining
Data PartitioningTraining
Mean square error and mean absolute errorLoss
Common Resampling Use CasesTraining
A/B Testing in AdsSystem design
How LinkedIn Generates Data for Course RecommendationSystem design
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)Basic Concepts
Random Number GeneratorML Coding
Split Train test validML Coding
Quantile LossLoss
Active functionML Coding
parallel implementationML Coding
Pytorch Skip connectionML Coding
Forcast MetricsMetrics
Normalized Cross EntropyMetrics
Focal lossLoss
Write a Perceptron Classifier for Binary ClassificationML Coding
Write a Simple Image Classifier (Using package)ML Coding
Write a Naive Bayes Classifier from scratchML Coding
KNNBasic Concepts
Activation functionsActivation Function
Vision TransformerNN
MultiModal (Text-Image)NN
What do you understand by transfer learning? Name a few commonly used transfer learning models.Basic Concepts
01 ML system design introduction - bytebytegoSystem design
Write FC Layer Neural Network from scratchML Coding
Retrieval Augmented GenerationGENAI
PCAML Coding
SVM (Support Vector Machine)ML Coding
Logistic RegressionML Coding