Instance-Based vs Model-Based Learning

TagsBasic Concepts

Instance-based Learning: The system learns the examples by heart, then generalizes to new cases using a similarity measure.

Model-based Learning: Another way to generalize from a set of examples is to build a model of these examples, then use that model to make predictions. This is called model-based learning. [src]

In the realm of machine learning, approaches to learning and making predictions can broadly be categorized into two types: instance-based learning and model-based learning. These methodologies offer different strategies for how a system can generalize from training data to make predictions on new, unseen data. Understanding the distinctions between these approaches is crucial for selecting the appropriate algorithm for a given problem.

Instance-Based Learning

Instance-based learning algorithms work by memorizing the training instances (data points), and predictions are made for new instances based on a similarity measure to the stored instances. This approach does not involve an explicit generalization step; instead, it uses the specific instances to make predictions.

Model-Based Learning

Model-based learning algorithms involve building a predictive model from the training data, then making predictions by using this model without referring back to the training data. The process involves selecting a model, training it (learning the model's parameters), and then using it to make predictions.

Choosing Between Instance-Based and Model-Based Learning

The choice between instance-based and model-based learning depends on several factors, including the size and nature of the dataset, the computational resources available, the problem's complexity, and the need for interpretability. Instance-based methods can be very powerful for problems where the relationship between the data points is more critical than the underlying pattern that can be modeled. In contrast, model-based approaches can efficiently handle large datasets and provide insights into the learned patterns and relationships in the data.

In practice, the decision often involves experimenting with both types of learning and possibly combining them to leverage their strengths. For instance, ensemble methods can blend model-based predictions from multiple models or incorporate instance-based elements to refine model-based predictions.